One Picture was an idea i had a couple of weeks ago. After some night im sure I should be ashamed of I woke up the next morning, feeling like the beetle form of a secada after it climbs up a tree and a big red eyed bug rips out of its back. (look it up). As you get older, there is a central identity that never ages. I am still an eight year old boy. I sometimes still pray that dad would stop smoking pot, or that the bears would win the superbowl, like a 12 year old. However, your body starts to hurt, your brain starts take unexcused breaks. On tour, everyday had a new memory and that memory was the link to the entire day, I met a girl named gwen in DC, and I remember where I was that day. I ate the best hot dog of my life in PA, I remember the day that happened, I remember most every face I met that day. Moving keeps not only your body moving, but your brain from sinking in the sand. Now, I wake up, eat yogurt, play piano, eat lunch, play piano, eat dinner, write songs for the next pop star or a classic rocker, then I go to bed. I love my bed, I love my piano, I love my house, I love my pajamas, but everyday, they are the same. I dont know what day it is, I dont remember the last time I talked to my mom on the phone, but I know its been too long. This life doesn't give you new reasons to remember. So everyday, I wanna find one.
One Picture, One Day. I have met thousands of amazing people, I have an incredible family, but i dont see them anymore, and I let the time slip by me. This is my attempt to reach out.
My friend, manager, life coach, and overall mentor, John Dyer was sending a digital camera to his friend in japan and it never got sent, so he gave it to me. Thanks John!
I dont have batteries yet, so i had to use my macbook to take the first picture.
This is a lamp I bought at ikea, its way too damn big for room, but I love it.
See you tomorrow.
Love Brooks
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